Z Massage & Bodywork, LLC.
A place to unwind and rejuvenate body, soul and mind!
Massage Descriptions

Swedish Massage: Swedish massage uses firm but gentle pressure to promote relaxation, ease muscle tension and create other health benefits.  It is a classic massage that will ease your stress and allow you to slip into a calm state of relaxation.


Deep Tissue/Neuromuscular Massage: This massage is designed to remove severe tension and relieve both muscles and connective tissue below the surface.  It uses a deeper pressure to get into the muscles to ease those pesky muscle “knots” in the body.  It helps to improve the range of motion and heal injuries below the surface. 


Sports Massage: In a sports massage, various massage techniques, along with stretches, are utilized and designed to help your body feel freer and stronger.  It is very beneficial to help increase flexibility and muscle recovery and is particularly significant for those with active lifestyles.


Warm Stone Massage: Smooth stones are heated and then lubricated with massage oil to be used throughout the massage; the therapeutic effects of heat are used to relax muscles more deeply.  Used as an extension of the therapist’s hands, massage stones induce deep relaxation and provide a unique experience many find tremendously calming and centering.


Warm Bamboo Massage: Bamboo sticks are heated and then lubricated with massage oils to be used as an extension of the therapist’s hands; the use of the warm bamboo sticks induces deep relaxation and helps relieve muscle tension with a little deeper pressure.  


Sticks & Stones Massage: An excellent combination of using warm stones & warm bamboo sticks for a profoundly relaxing massage.


Pregnancy Massage: Pregnancy massage addresses the unique needs of expecting women.  Specially-designed massage tables, cushions, and side-lying postures are used to prevent putting pressure on the abdomen.


Integrative Reflexology: Reflexology is a technique that focuses on specific pressure points within your feet & hands to help correct energy flows throughout your body.  This massage modality is designed to be relaxing and therapeutic and can help ease muscular tension and improve circulation.


Sweet Feet Spa: An absolute treat for your tired and achy feet!!  This 30 min service includes a foot scrub (your choice of scrub), and a  Reflexology focused foot massage using warm stones! 


Cupping Massage: Massage Cupping is a modern adaptation of the ancient art of cupping therapy.  While regular massage is performed by applying pressure, Cupping uses negative pressure to pull, lift, open, and expand the body’s soft tissues. 


Thai Massage: A traditional Thai massage has also been called Thai Yoga or “Lazy Man’s” Yoga.  It incorporates a combination of stimulating acupressure points along the body’s energy lines and yoga-like stretches to help stimulate and increase the flow of energy and increase flexibility.  Thai massage is suitable for and can complement any exercise, flexibility, and activity level.  Clients should come in clothing they can quickly move and stretch in (for example: what you would wear for a yoga or workout class). 


Thai Foot Massage: Thai foot massage uses a salt scrub, ancient stretching, acupressure points, and massage techniques focused on the feet to leave you feeling free and relaxed.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 980-247-0440
1028 Lee-Ann Drive Suite 215, Concord, NC 28025
© Copyright 2024 Z Massage & Bodywork, LLC.. All rights reserved.